Bit Hire
Finding a bit that both you and your horse like is a tricky and often expensive task. This process is also dynamic; as you and your horse develop, the feel, balance, level of control, and therefore type of bit you need changes. So, let us help!
We have a range of top-of-the-line bits available for hire, including Trust, WTP, Fager, Bomber, and Neule Schule. Sizing is limited at the moment, but we hope to expand soon!
How it works:
- Message us on Facebook or email [email protected] to book.
- If the bit/s you would like to trial are available you will be sent payment details. If they are out on trial, you will be put on the waitlist and notified as soon as they are available.
- Once payment has been received, arrange a pick up date for your bit (available 7 days a week). Or, combine bit hire with a feed order and we will deliver it to you for free (Raumati – Manaku).
- Test it out for 14 days!
- Clean your bit.
- Return your bit on day 14.
$45 for all metal bits. This includes WTP, Fager, Bomber, Myler, Peewee, and Neule Schule.
Due to their vulnerability to damage, all of the Trust bits have a higher trial price of $100. If the bit is returned in the same condition it was left in, you will be refunded the additional $65 fee. If there are new chomp marks or evidence of other damage, this will not be refunded. Photos will be taken of the bit before and after the trial to document any damage. Please be sensible, if you know your horse is an aggressive chewer, it might be an idea to choose a different bit (or consult with your vet)!
Please note, although I have had many different horses, all with unique mouths and bit preferences and I have a good understanding of anatomy and common dental problems, I am not a bit fitter! If you are having difficulty finding a suitable bit for your horse, or they are showing any signs of discomfort I always recommend consulting your dental vet.
List of available bits and sizes:
- Bombers Waterford universal, 140mm
- Bombers Barrel 20 universal, 140mm
- Bombers ultra comfy lock up universal 140mm
- Bombers Barrel 20 140mm
- Bombers Ultra comfy lock up, 140mm
- Bombers control plate 135mm
- Bombers Waterford 140mm
- Neue Schule turtle top eggbut 135mm
- Neue Schule turtle tactio loose ring 135mm
- Neue Schule Elevator 140mm
- Neue Schule Tranz Angle Pelham, comes with a curb (not pictured) and roundings if required 140mm
- Neue Schule Tranz Angle Fulmer 140mm
- Neue Schule Verbindend 140mm
- Trust Flexi Soft running gag 145mm
- Happy Mouth pelham 135mm
- Trust Leather Fulmer 145mm
- Trust Flexi Soft Universal 145mm
- Trust Flexi Soft baby Pelham 145mm (can come with curb and rounding)
- Trust Ported Pelham 145mm (can come with curb and roundings
- Fager Fanny lock up 145mm
- Fager Maria titanium 145mm
- Fager Nina Kimberhook titanium 145mm (can come with curb)
- Pee wee – large
- Myler English Dee Comfort Snaffle (level one) 140mm
- WTP simple loose ring 135mm
- WTP fulmer 135mm
- WTP universal 135mm