Forme Equine offers short and long term rehabilitation services and holiday care. Our rehabilitation services include:
Box rest:
Each horse has access to indoors stables and outdoor yards.
Our stables are 5x5m. They are fitted with rubber flooring to ensure the horses are on a good surface even if they dig holes or kick up their bedding. Each stable also has window for ventilation and to help horses who feel a bit claustrophobic in conventional stables feel more comfortable.
Our covered yards, and outdoor yards are designed to be open and safe with great visibility. Even the most unsettled horses love these yards. They also enable the horses to feel some sun on their backs and soak up some vitamin D. I’ve found this makes a huge difference to their mental states when they are confined for extended periods of time.
Typically, they are inside at night and in inclement weather and outside in the day. This is customised to each horse and their needs and preferences. Our approach to all horse care is completely horse centric – it’s so important to me that horses here feel relaxed and comfortable, and can choose where they’d like to spend majority of their time.
We have the ability to cater to extended stays in cases such as tendon rehab, which often take up to 12 months and we also have multiple yards/stables suitable for minis recovering from laminitis and so on.
Paddock rehabilitation/holiday care:
We have limited paddock spaces available for paddock rehabilitation and holiday care. Each paddock has equine safe fencing, and a paddock shelter for shade/shelter.
Daily care and attention:
All your horses daily needs will be attended to with the utmost care and attention to detail. This includes any medication, bandage changes, feeding, grooming, mucking out, hand grazing and so on. Every horse here is treated like one of my own.
We operate on a small scale, so that each horse receives one and one attention, and we can customise their routines to suit each individual horse.
Pulse treatments:
We have a Responds Systems Bio Pulse blanket with boot and stifle attachments. The Bio Pulse uses Pulsing Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF). PEMF has been widely researched and used extensively in both human and equine medicine. It is a useful tool for increasing circulation, promoting healing and reducing pain and inflammation in a range of conditions, from tendon injuries, to navicular and fractures. Your horse will have access to the relevant treatment plan for their condition, if you wish. I have used it for everything from pelvic fractures, to abscesses and wounds.
You can read more at Respond Systems.
Physio, vet and farrier:
We will organise and attend your horses vet, farrier and physio appointments.
Rehab plans:
We will carry out rehab plans as prescribed by your vet or physiotherapist. This includes in-hand work and dynamic or static stretches. We have grass, concrete and arena surfaces available depending on horses needs. I can also bring your horse back into ridden work and help you get them back to competition fitness, however this is to be discussed on a case by case basis.
I have rehab experience with a range of conditions and horses. In addition to managing my own horses, I spent a year and a half working alongside the vets. This provided me with a great foundation of knowledge, exposure to a range of conditions, and most importantly an awareness of when things are not tracking as they should be. This ensures a prompt response to any issues that may arise.
Our yard is private and sheltered, with minimal hustle and bustle and good visibility to other horses. We are located in Rekiorangi, Waikanae. Approx 15 minutes from Vets on Riverbank and just over an hour from Massey University.
Rates and payment schedules are tailored to each horse depending on their requirements and the duration of their stay. Contact Jessie to discuss.